Welcome to Parkdale Elementary
T'Hani Pantoja
(716) 687-2351
Andrea Parker
Assistant Principal
About Parkdale
As a Primary Elementary School for children in Kindergarten through Grade 4, the Parkdale faculty and staff are committed to meeting the needs of and challenging each student while providing every child with a firm foundation for continued scholastic and social success in a safe and comfortable learning environment.
There is a concentrated emphasis on Reading and Language Arts at Parkdale. Children are immersed in the use of language on a daily basis and there is a strong link between reading and writing. Children are taught the strategies to increase their success and independent skills in both areas. School-wide activities, including author visits, enrichment projects and the Parkdale "Kids Mail" further contribute to developing constructive habits and attitudes. Parents are also encouraged to be actively involved in their children's literacy.
Mathematics, Science, Health, and Social Studies are taught using a blended approach of hands-on activities and traditional pencil to paper tasks. Our Character Education program, with an emphasis on Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, and Citizenship, directly supports academic and social growth. Ongoing training and curriculum development provides teachers with the tools and resources needed to address increasing academic standards and further foster creativity and exploration.
Specials include library, art, and music, physical education and enrichment programs. The physical education program emphasizes developing strong bodies and fun through non-competitive games and activities. Music and art are seen as essential to the growth of the whole child. In addition to weekly classes, students participate in grade level performances and the annual District Art Show. All students have a weekly library class, which includes time for informational skill instruction, literature exposure, and book selection. The library is well stocked with children's literature and reference materials. Portable labs and classroom computers offer a variety of opportunities and expand technological discovery. Support services are also offered to assist students with specific abilities and needs.
Parent involvement is encouraged and is a significant component of our primary program. Volunteers are utilized in a variety of ways to support academic goals and promote home-school partnerships. Our PTO sponsors and organizes several valuable programs throughout the school year that enrich the curriculum and reinforce teacher efforts.
Parkdale is an exceptional school where the educational and social needs of students always come first, and where lasting friendships are built. As our school song says, "Parkdale, you've been my inspiration!"