Academic Requirements
All students who participate in an interscholastic sport will be reviewed for eligibility every five weeks during the school year.
If a student fails two or more classes for two consecutive five-week marking periods, he/she will be ineligible for the next five weeks.
If an athlete is deemed academically ineligible and is interested in returning to his/her sport, the “academic update form” may be used prior to the computerized posting of grades. The student may pick up this form at the high school athletic office on the day the five-week academic period closes. The student takes the form to his/her teachers for their signature and then returns it within two school days. If the student is failing less than two classes, the student will be given a copy of the signed form indicating eligibility to return to his/her sport that afternoon. Because the information obtained from the teachers on the academic update form is preliminary, the grades on the computerized reports are the “official record” and will determine eligibility.
If a student fails two or more classes during the 35th-week marking period and the final grade for the course, he/she will be ineligible for the first five weeks of the next school year (beginning on the first day of classes). A student may attend summer school to make up his/her failing grades. In that case, the student will be eligible when the next school year begins as long as the student has one or fewer failures. It is the responsibility of the student and his/her parents to find a summer school program.