Monthly Administrative Updates
November 2022 Administrative Update

by: Matthew Brown
Middle School Principal
The 2022 school year is off to a fantastic start, full of engagement and excitement. Though still early in the school year, a lot is happening at 430 Main Street.
To begin the school year, guest speaker/rapper Austin Lanier was invited to share his inspirational message. As seventh grade student Ariana Ward shared in The Challenger, Austin delivered a powerful message to students on the theme of P.U.S.H. (Practice Until Success Happens). The steps to achieving this process are; 1. Write down your dream, 2. Separate yourself from the wrong people, and 3. Surround yourself with the right people. He also touched on the topic of social media and its positive and negative qualities. Austin emphasized the importance of focusing on your own life rather than those of other people. When you are fixating or comparing yourself to other people, he noted, you lose sight of your own amazing qualities. Austin concluded his presentation with an incredible rap performance the students will not soon forget.
East Aurora Middle School was also the beneficiary of a surprise assembly hosted by several of the Buffalo Bills players. The Bills shared tips for making healthy decisions, focusing on respiratory health and how air quality impacts our daily lives. DJ Milk, the official disc jockey of the Buffalo Bills, emceed the events and provided an incredible atmosphere for students in grades 5-8. Students were also able to engage in a Q&A with the Buffalo Bills players following the assembly.
Student participation and eagerness to be involved in school activities is at an all-time high at the middle school. The Student Council boasts a membership of 112 students, Drama Club has recruited 50 members and the Spirit Club has 45 student participants. All in all, the middle school offers 19 different clubs as well as intramurals and athletics, all of which have record breaking participation rates this year. October’s Decades Dance, the first school dance of the 2022-23 school year, provided an evening of fashion, nostalgia, music and dancing for more than 350 middle school students from all grade levels.
This school year also ushers in the return of field trips and the semi-annual Student Council Trip. Our student council is planning a trip to Washington, DC in April 2023. Currently, 35 students have signed up from grades 5 through 8. We look forward to providing this incredible opportunity for our students and are hopeful that every student will have an opportunity to go on a field trip this year.
As you can see, the Middle School has had a very busy start to the school year and we are excited about the positive momentum. As always, we are thankful for and appreciate the East Aurora community and all of our supportive parents.