Parkdale PTO

Welcome to the Parkdale Elementary PTO

paw with parkdale pride on it

The mission of the EA Elementary PTO is to promote a closer relationship between families, faculty and school in order to provide all children with the highest advantages in physical, emotional, social, and academic development through programs, field trips, and technology.   


  • Co-President - Sarah Orcutt

  • Co-Vice President - Amber Malek

  • Co-Vice President - Annette Belka

  • Co-Secretary - Cecelia DeStefano

  • Co-Secretary -Allison Keddie

  • Co-Treasurer - Angela Golibersuch

  • Co-Treasurer - Casey Weishan Welch


Please click here to read the East Aurora School District Parent Teacher Organization By-Laws.

7 women sitting on a bench outside in front of trees

Each summer the Parkdale PTO Executive Board holds a planning meeting for the upcoming school year.