Welcome to the East Aurora High School

William Roberts

Chelsea Skalski
Assistant Principal
EAHS is considered one of the top public high schools in Western New York (WNY). In June 2019, Business First magazine recognized the East Aurora School District as the #1 school district in WNY. The high school is currently rated 6th out of 133 public and private schools. We have been ranked in the top ten of WNY high schools for 28 consecutive years. In 2020, the Washington Post magazine selected EAHS as one of the nation’s top public high schools. The Department of Education named EAHS a “Reward School” for the 2019-2020 school year marking the 6th consecutive year EAHS has been designated this honor. Schools selected for this recognition have the highest attainment in the state with no significant gaps in achievement. Both the East Aurora High School (2017) and Middle School (2012) have earned the prestigious recognition as National Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education.
EAHS is proud to offer one of the most well-rounded and comprehensive course selections in a WNY high school. Students are required to complete a minimum of 22 credits in order to graduate. This experience includes our core academic subjects and learning experiences in Art, Music, Business, Technology, Health, Physical Education and Language. A critical component of the success of EAHS graduates is their participation in our specialty programs. We support and offer 2-year off-site training programs focusing on one of 15 vocational trades, 18 AP courses including a 2-year college-level AP Capstone curriculum, a NYS Career Technical Education (CTE) endorsed business sequence, a 2-year Global Leadership multi-disciplinary program, a 4-year multi-disciplinary STEAM initiative and a Film Academy.
EAHS offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses in American History, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Science Principles, Economics, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, European Studies, Latin, Physics I, Research, Seminar, Spanish, Statistics, Studio Art, U.S. Government & Politics, and World History. Seventy-six (76) percent of EAHS Class of 2020 participated in the Advanced Placement (AP) program earning a score of 3 or higher on their respective A.P. test.
Approximately 88% of the Class of 2020 are attending a four or two-year college/university. Seventy-six (76) percent of the Class of 2020 earned a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.
The interscholastic athletic program at EAHS is unmatched for a school with our enrollment. Approximately 67% of the student body participates in at least one of our athletic programs and one-third participates in at least two sports. Over the past decade, the Buffalo News awarded EAHS with the Prep Talk Athletic Program of the Year award, an honor that names our program the best athletic program among all schools, public and private in Western New York. In the past decade, EAHS has accumulated numerous honors including 44 Sectional championships, 4 Far West Regional championships, and 6 team and 11 individual New York State championships.
The EAHS extracurricular club offerings includes over 20 options for high school students. They develop leadership skills, a sense of belonging and establish long lasting student activity traditions. The options have evolved with the changing interests of our students. The student activities calendar is highlighted by an annual ski trip, badminton tournament, whale watch trip, a Euro dance, an all-night lock-in, New York City trip, school musical and drama production, homecoming, talent show, prom and an outdoor luau dance.

Alma Mater
Alma Mater, East Aurora
We'll always love thy name.
Tho' fleeting years may come and go,
we will always sing thy fame.
We'll ne'er forget our school days,
our friendships firm and true.
Aurora loved by ev'ry heart;
We pledge ourselves to you!