Universal Pre-Kindergarten
UPK Pre-Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. Please visit the district's registration page and follow the instructions.
The UPK program is a special program funded by the New York State Education Department. The primary purpose of our UPK program is to provide four-year-old children with the opportunity to access high quality programs that will help prepare them for future success.
For the 2025-2026 school year, children with birthdays between December 2, 2020 and December 1, 2021 are eligible to apply.
You must be a legal resident of the East Aurora Union Free School District.
The program is a full-day program (9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.) and will run five (5) days a week.
The program will follow the school district calendar, with an anticipated 180 days of student attendance.
Transportation to and from the program will be provided.
Five (5) UPK classes will be held at Parkdale Elementary.
There is limited availability for the program based on grant-funding. If more children apply than there are available slots, the district will hold a computerized random selection process (i.e. drawing names randomly in a lottery format).
There is no wrap-around childcare provided by Parkdale Elementary.
Families of multiples will have one application per family for the East Aurora UPK program. If a family of multiples is drawn during the lottery, all children will be offered a UPK slot, except in the following case: a family of multiples is drawn when there are not enough remaining slots available for all eligible children (for example, a family with twins is the last name drawn in the lottery). In such situations, the family will have the opportunity to accept or decline the UPK slot. The remaining multiple(s) will be placed on the waitlist for the next available UPK slot.
Contact Information
Erin Jamesson, Asst Director of Pupil Services
(716) 687-2320 or ejamesson@eak12.org
District Registrar
(716) 687-2319 or registration@eak12.org