Dear Parents/Guardians,
It’s that time of year when we send out information regarding the NYS 3-8 ELA and Math assessments as well as the Grade 5 and 8 Science assessment.
As outlined below, the ELA and Math assessments are given over a two day period and will be administered on the computer. The ELA and Math Tests include multiple-choice and open-ended questions, which assess grade-level learning standards. The questions require students to apply their knowledge and, in open-ended responses, explain their reasoning. Students will read texts, write responses, and solve real-world word problems, all of which are foundational skills necessary for success in their next grade.
We will be giving the English Language Arts (ELA) assessment on the dates below
● Grades 3-4 - Tuesday and Wednesday April 16th and 17th
● Grades 5-8 - Wednesday and Thursday April 17th and 18th
We will be giving the MATHEMATICS assessment on the dates below
● Grades 3-4 - Tuesday and Wednesday May 7th and 8th
● Grades 5-8 - Tuesday and Wednesday May 7th and 8th
We will be giving the SCIENCE assessment on the date below
● EAMS Grades 5 and 8 - Thursday May 2nd
While assessments are untimed, the projected average completion time is 60-90 minutes for Day 1 and 70-100 minutes for Day 2 (depending on grade-level and day). Students who complete their assessments will be permitted to read silently. The District encourages participation in these assessments in order to benchmark our curriculum and instruction and to internally analyze the data of our own students which drives curriculum and instruction modifications. If you have questions concerning your child’s participation in the assessments, please reach out to their building principal. Also, if your child will NOT be taking the assessment this year, please notify your child’s teacher (Parkdale) or the building office (EAMS) in writing (e-mail or letter) no later than Wednesday April 10th. For those students who will not be taking the assessment, they will be able to silently read a book for the duration of the testing window.
The NYS Education Department has developed several resources for parents which are attached to this letter and can also be found at: Parent Resources | New York State Education Department
Jessica Lyons
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
NYS Testing FAQ's