HS & MS Quarter 2 Report Cards are available in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Steps to Access Your Child’s Report Card: 1. Visit the PowerSchool login page at https://eak12.powerschool.com/public 2. Enter your username and pw. If you do not rememberthem, please use the "Forgot Username or Password?" link to reset them. 3. Select Your Child’s Name: 4. On the left-hand menu, select “Report Cards”. 5. Click on the available report card link to view or download the document for your records. **Please note you can not access report cards from the PowerSchool mobile app If you experience any difficulties please contact Amy Christie at achristie@eak12.org. We are happy to assist you!
3 days ago, Christie Maisano
Good Evening EA Families & Staff, Due to the impending weather forecast, East Aurora Schools will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22nd. Please note: Parkdale and Middle School students will participate in remote learning. High School students will be receiving additional information via email regarding the exam schedule. Thank you, be safe & stay warm.
17 days ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
important notice
Due to the impending weather forecast, East Aurora Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st. Attn: High School Students : Please check your email for the revised Exam Schedule.
18 days ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
important notice
Due to the impending weather forecast, the East Aurora Middle School will be dismissing today at 2:00 pm followed by the High School at approximately 2:15 pm. Parkdale Elementary will dismiss at it's regularly scheduled time.
25 days ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
2:00 dismissal
Due to the impending weather forecast, all EAUFSD after school and evening activities have been cancelled for today, January 13th.
25 days ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
important notice
Tickets are officially available for the High School Musical, The Addams Family, get your tickets below! https://onthestage.tickets/show/east-aurora-high-school-musical-theater-arts/6778448337c7515a0480d60e/tickets#/productions-view
29 days ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Addams Family
Hello, Due to a fire alarm system malfunction and out of an abundance of caution, we will be dismissing High School students early today. Buses will be arriving within the hour. Please call the High School Main Office at 716-687-2500 with any questions or concerns. Thank you, Brian Russ
3 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Important Notice
EAUFSD High School and Middle School Quarter 1 Report Cards are available for viewing in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Steps to Access Your Child’s Report Card: 1. Log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal: -Visit the PowerSchool login page at https://eak12.powerschool.com/public -Enter your username and password. If you do not remember your login credentials, please use the "Forgot Username or Password?" link to reset them. 2. Select Your Child’s Name at the top of the screen (if you have more than one child enrolled). 3. On the left-hand navigation menu, select “Report Cards” or “Grades and Reports,” depending on your portal setup. 4. Click on the available report card link to view or download the document for your records.
3 months ago, Christie Maisano
report cards are ready to view
Have you connected to Rooms? Our East Aurora Schools app now allows you to see teacher announcements & message teachers! SMS & email invites have your student(s) links to get connected. Check out our website for help!
9 months ago, East Aurora Schools
Have any plans this summer? Consider helping out the EAUFSD team in the Technology or Buildings and Grounds departments. We are also looking for teacher aides for summer school. Must be 18 to apply, perfect position for college students! https://www.eastauroraschools.org/o/district/page/ea-employment #OneEA
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
we are hiring
Mrs. Philbin was able to take her class out in the community last week to learn some important life skills like grocery shopping and managing a budget. Great job kiddos!! #OneEA
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
students ready to go to the store
students shopping
students holding their bag of groceries
We are hiring! EAUFSD is looking for a full time School Psychologist as well as a full time School Counselor. More information can be found at our Employment page below. https://www.eastauroraschools.org/o/district/page/ea-employment #oneEA
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
we are hiring
Our Sustainable Agriculture class reached a milestone about a week ago with our discovery of an egg in the Chicken Hoop House. The 30+ chickens that have been cared for and watched over since August are now matured enough to begin producing eggs. The number one factor that determines production of eggs is increasing daylight hours, which is definitely a welcome benefit of the second half of winter. Here is the discovery of the first egg by a surprised and excited group of our students... #OneEA
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
students holding the eggs
omolette made with the eggs
Attention EA Families!
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Spring Sports open February 11thuary 11th
A huge THANK YOU to the PTO for purchasing gross motor equipment for UPK! We loved getting to move our bodies inside during a rainy recess ❤️ #oneEA
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
getting to move our bodies inside during a rainy recess
getting to move our bodies inside during a rainy recess
getting to move our bodies inside during a rainy recess
getting to move our bodies inside during a rainy recess
getting to move our bodies inside during a rainy recess
getting to move our bodies inside during a rainy recess
getting to move our bodies inside during a rainy recess
Students in Mrs. Krull's Sixth Grade Science classes engaged in practical applications of coding skills using iRobots. In addition to coding, students designed and constructed innovative attachments for the robots with the goal of effectively removing garbage from the ocean. The assortment of attachments included tools resembling rakes, Zambonis, bulldozers, and scoops. #oneEA
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
students learning about coding
students learning about coding
students learning about coding
Incoming Kindergarten students and families: Come learn more about Kindergarten! Thursday March 7th at 6:30 we will be hosting an informative session in the Parkdale Elementary Auditorium. All are welcome to attend!
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Kindergarten Information Night
The Parkdale STEAM club learned about scientist Temple Grandin. The club then designed and engineered cattle shoots with squeeze boxes just like Grandin did. The final test was using “marble cows” and magnet wands to make their cows travel their shoots. #oneEA
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Parkdale Steam Club learning about scientist Temple Grandin and designing the cattle shoots with squeeze boxes.
Parkdale Steam Club learning about scientist Temple Grandin and designing the cattle shoots with squeeze boxes.
Parkdale Steam Club learning about scientist Temple Grandin and designing the cattle shoots with squeeze boxes.
Parkdale Steam Club learning about scientist Temple Grandin and designing the cattle shoots with squeeze boxes.
Parkdale Steam Club learning about scientist Temple Grandin and designing the cattle shoots with squeeze boxes.
Parkdale Steam Club learning about scientist Temple Grandin and designing the cattle shoots with squeeze boxes.
Dear East Aurora Family and Staff, Unfortunately, due to the continued regional impact of the winter storm, the EAUFSD will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 19th. I recognize that this creates a number of inconveniences however, the severe weather has simply created too many safety as well as staffing issues. I appreciate your support and understanding. Stay warm, stay safe! Go Bills! Sincerely, Brian Russ
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Snow Day
The EAUFSD will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th, 2024. The Board of Education meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening has been cancelled.
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Snow day wednesday January 17th 2024