The Unified Basketball team scrimmaged Iroquois Unified Basketball team this past Friday during halftime of the UB Men's basketball game. EA's Unified Basketball team will be starting their practices at the end of this month. We look forward to the basketball season this spring! #oneEA
10 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Unified basketball team
Unified basketball team
Unified basketball team
Unified basketball team
Unified basketball team
unified basketball team
Reminder, there is no student attendance this Friday, March 15th.
10 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Superintendent's Conference Day March 15th
Congratulations to our Unified Bowling Team on their Second place win with a cumulative score of 2,541 pins! The kids did an amazing job cheering each other on and staying engaged for the entire event. These kids make us so proud! #oneEA
10 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
unified win
Attention Parents: MySchoolBucks is increasing their fees starting on March 7th, 2024 for online transactions from $2.75 to $3.25. You can alternatively pay for your child's lunch via cash or check. Simply send in your payment with your student and payment can be given to the cashier when they go through the line. Checks can be made payable to EAUFSD.
10 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
My School Bucks
Did you know Parkdale has a Podcast Club?? Check out these students learning the ropes with Mr. Duff! What a fun group with lots of great ideas! #OneEA #STEAM #podcastsforeducation
10 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
podcast club
Today, our Parkdale students were able to learn about dental health from Dudley the Dinosaur and Dr. Buccieri! Dudley even brought a toothbrush for each student! Thank you Dudley and Dr. Buccieri! #OneEA
10 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Glowing 100 days brighter in Kindergarten! The children celebrated the 100th day of school with a glow party theme. They used neon paint, highlighters, and neon sharpie markers to complete various 100th works. Their celebrations concluded with glow bright milkshakes at the end of the day! #100daysoflearning #oneea
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
100 days of learning
100 days of learning
100 days of learning
100 days of learning
100 days of learning
100 days of learning
glow bright milkshakes
100 days of learning
100 days of learning
We were happy to welcome back our students today, especially at the Middle School which now has a new look!
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
new lunch room look
new cafe look
EAUFSD is looking for a full time cleaner! Come join our team! #OneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Students from Mrs. Jacob and Mrs. Philbin's classes spread some love and cheer last week at Absolut Care in East Aurora. Great job students! #OneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
students giving out valentines cards
students giving out valentines cards
students giving out valentines cards
students giving out valentine's cards
Enjoy your Winter Break February 20th -23rd! Check out the link below for some fun activities in town. #oneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
winter recess
Reminder, there is no school on February 19th, 2024 in observation of President's Day.
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Presidents Day
Got Eggs?? Our students and chickens have been busy producing organic grain fed eggs. We are having our first sale afterschool on **Thursday February 15th at 2:40** until we run out. Eggs are $5 a dozen and we can accept cash or check. We have about almost 30 dozen available so stop by and pick up some eggs for some winter break omelets. We will have another sale in about a week or so after we return from break . Our flock of 34 chickens are producing on average about 30 eggs a day at this time, this will only increase as the daylight hours continue to increase. #oneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
eggs in their boxes
students boxing eggs
Did you know there are a number of great opportunities for East Aurora Families through our Continuing Education Program?? Classes start this Thursday, take a look! Walking, Aerobics, Zumba, Gardening, and a lot more.
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
continuing education
Friday, Mrs. Stockinger's class participated in our first ever Poetry Cafe! The students wrote their own poetry and performed it for their peers. Not only were they able to learn about literacy skills, they also practiced public speaking. Great job kiddos! #OneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
reading their poems
reading their poems
Happy National Pizza Day! Our Middle School FAC's teacher was helping students learn how to make pizza dough from scratch. We wish you could smell our hallways today!! #oneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
The dough is rising!
Mrs. Parker showing students how to stretch the dough
some MS studnets spreading the doagh out on the pans
Preppeing the dough for our pans
Have any plans this summer? Consider helping out the EAUFSD team in the Technology or Buildings and Grounds departments. We are also looking for teacher aides for summer school. Must be 18 to apply, perfect position for college students! #OneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
we are hiring
Mrs. Philbin was able to take her class out in the community last week to learn some important life skills like grocery shopping and managing a budget. Great job kiddos!! #OneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
students ready to go to the store
students shopping
students holding their bag of groceries
We are hiring! EAUFSD is looking for a full time School Psychologist as well as a full time School Counselor. More information can be found at our Employment page below. #oneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
we are hiring
Our Sustainable Agriculture class reached a milestone about a week ago with our discovery of an egg in the Chicken Hoop House. The 30+ chickens that have been cared for and watched over since August are now matured enough to begin producing eggs. The number one factor that determines production of eggs is increasing daylight hours, which is definitely a welcome benefit of the second half of winter. Here is the discovery of the first egg by a surprised and excited group of our students... #OneEA
11 months ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
students holding the eggs
omolette made with the eggs