The Superintendent's Student Advisory team helped pack over 1000 boxes of toys for local families at St. Luke's Mission of Mercy yesterday morning. Great job students, thank you for being of service to your community! #oneea #eastaurorany
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
the boxes are on the hand truck ready to go to the delivery truck
our students loading the boxes to be delivered
rows and rows of boxes filled with toys
students loading boxes into the truck
Start your year off right with your student. Check out this opportunity to help address challenging behavior and improve emotional functioning! Registration is required, so save your spot now! #oneea #eastaurorany
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
thursday Jan 11th at 7pm
Calling all Softball and Lacrosse coaches!! Come be a part of our success! #oneea #eastaurorany
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
we are hiring a saoftball and lacrosse coach
Reminder, our High School Orchestra & Chorus Winter Concert is Tuesday December 19th at 7pm in the High School Auditorium.
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
High School Orchestra & Chorus winter concert is Tuesday December 19th at 7pm in the High School Auditorium
Have Audio Visual experience? We are looking for someone to join our team and help out with everything AV. Come join our team! #oneea #eastaurorany
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
we are hiring an av technician
We are hiring! Looking for teacher aides to help our students through their day. Come be someone's hero at EA!
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
now hiring teacher aides
Congratulations to our Parkdale Librarian, Chris Duff and our Parkdale Music teacher, Nicole Leavoy on earning your tenure!
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Chriss Duff, Nicole LEavoy,  celebrating receiving tenure form Brian Russ.
Mrs. Matecki's class virtually met with their new friends from Long Island. After studying Jan Brett, they made animal puppets and shared what their animal would see in East Aurora. They followed the style of Brett's Book, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" Everyone enjoyed meeting their new friends.
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Kindergarten students meeting their new friends in Long Island
This morning at the Grand Reopening of the newly remodeled store, Superintendent Russ received a $1000 Tops gift card as a donation to the District. Thank you, Tops for being a gr"EA"t community partner! #OneEA #eastaurorany #topsmarkets
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Tops grand opening offering a $1000 dollar gift card to the East Aurora School District.
Save your cans and bottles and do something good with them while helping out the Parkdale Elementary, Hearts For The Homeless initiative. #OneEa #EastAuroraNY
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Parkdale's can and bottle drive to support hearts for the homeless. Saturday December 16th 10am-12pm in the Parkdale parking lot.
Congratulations to our very own, David Safford for making All Star Orchestra! #OneEa #EastAuroraNY
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
david safford
All State orchestra
Reminder, our 4th-8th grade Orchestra Concert is Tuesday, December 12th at 7pm in the High School Auditorium.
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Grades 4-8 Orchestra Winter Concert Tuesday December 12th at 7pm in the high school auditorium
Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Volleyball team for a great season! #OneEa #EastAuroraNY
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
boys varsity basketball team
Finding awe in the science of chemical reactions, surface tension, and liquids in liquids. The children of Parkdale’s STEAM club soaked up the fun in learning while doing. #OneEa #EastAuroraNY
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
students in awe at the chemical reaction in liquid
bowl full of skittles, watching the colors dissolve in water
Parkdale Steam Club
Blue Devil Design is offering a chance to purchase some of their customizable products at the Parkdale and Middle School concerts, Monday, December 12th and Tuesday December 19th at 7pm in the High School Auditorium. Please note: BDD only accepts cash or check currently. #OneEa #EastAuroraNY
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Blue Devil Design Holiday Sale December 12 & 19th 6-8
Here is your 2023 EAUFSD Concert Guide. Please contact the High School at 716-687-2500 with any accessibility needs you may have. We look forward to welcoming you for some amazing music from our very talented students! #OneEa #EastAuroraNY
about 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
2023 Concert Guide
This past Friday, over 80 teachers and students participated in the Buffalo Polar Plunge. East Aurora raised over $23,000 for the Special Olympics. This event raises money so that individuals with intellectual disabilities can participate and compete in sports year-round, free-of-charge. The Special Olympics also supports our Unified Sports programs which partner students with and without intellectual disabilities on a team together. #oneEA #EastAuroraNY
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
students running out of the water
friends coming out of the water together
the gang is all here
cheering on our team
friends for the win
coming out of the water
students coming out of the water
students and teachers coming out of the water
the after party
the whole group
Reminder: Parent Meeting tonight for all winter sport athletes. Each team/program will have a breakout session to discuss expectations for their season. Please make every effort to attend as we have found this communication to be essential to the success of our programs. Athletes can attend if the parent chooses, but it is not mandatory for athletes.
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Winter Sports parent meeting wednesday the 29th at 6pm in the High School Auditorium
Tomorrow's letter day will be "F" due to the snow day.
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Interested in a short term position? We are looking for a Substitute Special Education Teacher from January to March. Apply today!
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
We are hiring a special education substitute