Are you looking for a great way to get involved with our District? Here's your chance! We are looking for a long term substitute speech pathologist for our students. Come join the team and get your feet wet! More info in the comments.
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
We are hiring a speech pathologist
Winter sports is starting next week. Be sure to never miss a home game despite the weather by subscribing to East Aurora's BDTV YouTube channel!
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Subscribe to BDTV on YouTube
Does your High School student need their working papers, a teacher recommendation letter, or a parking permit?? Find all of these and more on the Student Forms page.
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Student Forms
We are thankful for the best students anyone can ask for. Wishing our entire community a thankful Thanksgiving!
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at East Aurora School District
Our DECA and KEY Club members collected necessary items that Fish of EA was desperate to receive. These students would like you to know that Fish of EA accepts donations ever Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-12pm if anyone is interested in donating. Thank you students for living the values of East Aurora! Needed items: juice canned fruit canned soup canned ravioli canned chicken canned corn beef hash peanut butter spaghetti sauce oatmeal packets canned vegetables pudding brownie mix tuna #oneEA #FishofEA #EastAuroraNY
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
loading up donations
loading up donations
loading up donations
Is your child exhibiting behavior that has you wondering how to deal with it? Please consider joining the virtual event by registering below. Registration is required.
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Family Support Center Challenging Behavior virtual meeting on Wendnesday November 29th at 7pm
Our first grade students had a BeeBot parade in STEAM! They made balloons and attached them to BeeBots, then programmed them to go through an amazing Lego City. Mrs. Kaminski would like to thank Ms. Kathy, Ms. Mary and the wonderful Boys and Girls Club morning students for building a very detailed and well thought out city. These students thought of everything from traffic lights and a pizza joint to an aquarium. They even added some great details inside of the buildings as well, like beds and seating. The first graders really enjoyed your hard work.
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Watching our hard work
all the students in front of their "town"
bee bots going down the streets made by students
Parents, our wonderful Food Service staff along with Personal Touch has compiled a list of food allergens should you and your family benefit from this detailed information. Items that are highlighted are still being processed. We will update the list as items change or become added. You can find out more about the allergen list and our food service offerings below.
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Food Allergen List Now Available
What's for lunch?? Did you know our school participates in the Farm to School and Harvest of the Month program? That means we get our ingredients from local farms! If you have a Middle School student, they can see where all of our fresh produce comes from on the map! Find out more about the Farm to School Program here.
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Fresh Fruit
Fresh spaghetti squash
students picking out their fresh fruit
Student ordering their custom wrap
Food map
Get ready to cheer on a new season of some amazing Blue Devil Athletic teams!
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Winter Sports begin
Thank you to all Veteran's! #oneEA
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
no school veterans day
High School Parents and Students, please note the early dismissal on Thursday, November 9th.
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
parent teacher conferences
Congratulations to our very own, Jack who is nominated for the 2023 Trench Trophy! Good luck Jack!
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
trench trophy
Congratulations to Jack, who is nominated for the 2023 Trench Trophy! Good luck Jack!
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Jack Brown
The Special Olympics of New York is putting on a Polar Plunge on December 1st on Woodlawn Beach. Come support our amazing students and get wet! Register today and be part of our #oneEA
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Polar Plunge
polar plunge QR code
EAUFSD is seeking a second set of eyes during pool use in our buildings. If you're Lifeguard and CPR certified, we'd love to have you! Short time frame, perfect part time job!
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
Have an interest in Social Studies, Speech pathology, or helping students through their day all while receiving fantastic benefits? We've got you covered!
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
We are hiring
Yesterday our High School Spanish students visited the Forth Graders at Parkdale to teach them about Día De Los Muertos! Activities included Sugar skull decorating, videos and read aloud books, a Spanish lesson customized for their age group, a fun Spanish BINGO game, photo booths, Spanish name sessions and more! Great job students!
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
all the colors!
working on designs
making our masks
making flowers
working hard on our masks
“Come, little leaves,” said the wind one day, “Come o'er the meadows with me and play; Put on your dresses of red and gold, For summer is gone and the days grow cold.” -George Cooper
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
students playing in leaves
students playing in leaves
Ready to hear some amazing music?
over 1 year ago, East Aurora Union Free School District
High School Instrumental Pops Concert Tuesday October 23rd 7pm